Our History
Welcome to Calvary Tabernacle, a community of Christian believers whom the Lord has blessed and multiplied tremendously over the years. Our journey started on October 19th 1991, when we had our first service in the Golden Room at the Coliseum Motor Inn in East Meadow. One year later, with only thirteen members, we purchased our first building at 78 N. Franklin.
Today, the Lord has added to the church people of 23 different nationalities and diverse educational background, He has enlarged our territories beyond our borders into an international realm, and blessed us with a spirit of excellence second to none. Our properties now include a Youth Center, A Kids Center, and a Worship Center. We invite all to worship and fellowship with us in Hempstead where God will certainly enrich your lives.
Who We Are
We are an affirming congregation of the International Bible Way Inc. Bishop Goldson is an ordained minister in the New York Metro District and heads the Canadian Bishopric. His ministry extends beyond Hempstead throughout the United States, the Caribbean, Canada, Mexico, Israel, Philippines, Liberia, South Africa and other countries.
Calvary Tabernacle, the center of Apostolic activity in Nassau County has impacted the Hempstead community in a very tangible and profound way.
We consistently provide counseling services to congregants and to the wider community. We pioneered the establishment of the Academy Charter School where academic excellence is a norm and we host the Annual Convoy of Hope. These are testaments to the degree to which the church has touched the lives of the constituents of Hempstead.
Through our Annual Tri-State Music event we have provided financial educational scholarships to young aspiring musicians and singers, paved a path for them to perform with nationally recognized artistes and showcase their skills and talents at a national level. Providing a source of empowerment for our membership through diverse leadership training and Christian teaching, and providing them with life skills to upgrade their thinking and behaviors to come in harmony with the “Mind of Christ” and to live enriched lives. They have experienced elevation in their faith, family, finances and their hopes for the future. We can confidently say that God has used all who “Come to Calvary…The Way to God” to be an instrument of blessing to our community
Our Mission and Beliefs
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to preach the gospel to the whole world beginning in Nassau County; Compelling all to Come to Calvary the Way to God”…
By using the new members class as a vehicle to start the journey through teaching the values and importance of being a part of this ministry.
As an apostolic Center, our purpose is to disciple all to become like Jesus, Our Lord, and to involve them in the work of the ministry where their talents, gifts and abilities can be used to advance the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Our Vision
Uniting All People in Service to God by the teaching of the word from the Holy scriptures according to [II Timothy 3:16 – “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”]
Our Mission is to preach the gospel to the whole world beginning in Nassau County; compelling all to “Come to Calvary the Way to God”.
Belief Statements
We Believe… The Bible, the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God without error in the original writings, and are the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men, and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.
We Believe… There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We Believe… Jesus Christ is true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross, the complete and final sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. Further, He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, where, at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is now our High Priest and Advocate.
We Believe… The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and during this age, to convict men of sin, regenerate the believing sinner, in-dwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.
We Believe… Man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.
We Believe… The shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and only such as receive Jesus Christ by faith are born of the Holy Spirit and thus become children of God.
Our Bishop and First Lady
Bishop Goldson, a resident of Hempstead, has committed his life to serving and helping every person, regardless of background and economic status, to achieve their fullest potential. Having started Calvary Tabernacle, Bishop Goldson worked side-by-side with his wife, Sis. Jo-Ann Goldson and took Calvary’s positive message of hope to the surrounding communities throughout the Hempstead area.
Sis. Goldson always had a passion and energy for life that is contagious. A life-long Evangelist, Sis. Goldson began her walk with the Lord in her grandfather’s ministry. Now as a supportive wife and mother of two children, Sis. Goldson is an inspiration and mentor to women everywhere. She is committed to helping women, children and families discover their purpose and reach their highest potential in Christ.
Under Bishop and Sis. Goldson’s leadership, Calvary Tabernacle has grown in every area of ministry and has become the largest, fastest growing and most diverse congregations in Hempstead today with over 500 attending weekly services.
Bishop and Sis. Goldson, along with the entire Calvary Tabernacle family, are focused like never before on meeting the needs of the Hempstead community and providing ministries and services that impact every area of life. While their commitment to the local community is strong, Calvary’s international commitment and outreach is also increasing.
There is a new generation rising at Calvary Tabernacle – A Generation Without Limits. Bishop and Sis. Goldson are proven leaders for this generation – a generation that believes with God all things are possible!
(516) 292-3685
(516) 661-7920
Mon.-Fri. 10AM-6PM
78 N Franklin St.
Hempstead, NY 11550