COVID-19 Information

Greetings Calvary Members,

I am so excited to announce that we are in Phase 4 of the COVID-19 Pandemic and that allows us to open the doors of the sanctuary once again. The decision to reopen was made with prayerful consideration.

Calvary Tabernacle has approved a thoughtful plan for reopening the doors for in-person gatherings.  Our aim is to do our best to safely include everyone wherever they are with regards to comfort level.  I am very proud of our staff and Elders who have shown great wisdom, love, and courage as we move forward into uncharted territory.

I understand that there are differences of opinion regarding how best to move forward as a society, even among faithful followers of Christ.  We may have different comfort levels regarding interacting with others during this pandemic.  Considering these realities, I want to encourage us all to be patient and kind to one another (1 Corinthians 13:4).

We ask that all members keep an open mind and a positive outlook when discussing the reopening. It is fine to disagree, however we do not want to have conversations that sow seeds of discord. The decision to attend in-person gatherings is a personal one and we want to be considerate of each other.  Thank you for your cooperation.

In accordance with CDC guidelines Calvary Tabernacle will:
Continue to stream the service via Facebook Live 10:30am for those staying home.  This is something that will continue as our “new normal” even beyond the pandemic.

Sunday, July 26th – we will reopen our doors for in-person worship at 10:30am (following safety & health protocols) We want to remind you that this pandemic is an ever-changing and evolving situation so the plans we make today may change depending on new information and circumstances.  We also have a comprehensive list of health and safety guidelines that we will be adhering to as a congregation (guided by the CDC and our local and state health departments).  For now, this is what you can expect for our in-person gatherings:

What we are asking YOU to do in regards to health and safety protocols:

When to stay home
We encourage you to stay home if you are not comfortable with in-person gatherings for whatever reason.  We especially want to encourage you to stay home if you fall into the “at risk” category.  We realize that attending or not attending is a personal decision and we will respect each other as we each make our own individual choice. We ask that you stay home if you have the following symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle aches, loss of sense of smell or taste, flu symptoms. We ask that you self-quarantine for 14-days if you have traveled to a high risk area as defined by CDC or if you have been exposed to COVID-19.  Alternatively, you could get tested for COVID-19.  If your test is negative, there would be no need to self-quarantine.

While at Calvary Tabernacle gatherings
Reserve your seat and complete the screening questionnaire online/in parking lot If you completed your questionnaire online – proceed to the sanctuary door for temperature check and approval.

If you completed your questionnaire on site – proceed to the screening station for review, temperature check, and approval.

Apply hand sanitizer in the lobby before entering the sanctuary The usher will escort you to your reserved seat.

We will practice social distancing between people of different households by a minimum of six feet (i.e. on lines, in the lobby, and seating).

Seats will be clearly labeled to match your reservation confirmation.

We will refrain from physical contact (i.e. shaking hands, touch your neighbor or give your neighbor high-five).

Practice healthy habits
We encourage you to practice good hygiene (wash your hands for 20-seconds, use hand sanitizer frequently, cough or sneeze into your elbow, avoid touching your face: eyes, nose and mouth).

We encourage you to wear a cloth mask as currently recommended by the CDC for faith communities.  As this has become a controversial issue perhaps the best way to say this is “masks are appreciated” or as our local hospital has said: “Wearing a mask is not a big ask.”  All staff and volunteers will be wearing masks.

We will encourage people to either sing while wearing a mask or simply listen to the music and words and allow them to minister to your heart.

What Calvary Tabernacle is doing to ensure proper health and safety practices:

Resources provided:
Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout the facility. Masks will be provided for people who want/need one. Calvary Tabernacle will provide no contact thermometer readings for all congregants

Practices being followed
There will be NO passing of offering pans. Offering pans will be in the back of the sanctuary.

There will be a clear protocol for restroom use.

Calvary Tabernacle will keep a log of those in attendance.

Staff and volunteers
All staff and volunteers will be signing a covenant agreeing to follow Calvary Tabernacle health and safety guidelines.

There will be a team of trained personnel to help people navigate safely around the building and grounds.

We will keep a log of staff and volunteers serving each week as they must be screened for health.

Facility preparations
The facility will be cleaned and sanitized prior to each worship service. Signs will be posted around the building regarding health and safety guidelines.  The number of people gathered will be adjusted in accordance with the protocols set by the CDC and our local and state health departments

Response Plan
Calvary Tabernacle requires all attendees to sign a liability waiver. We will refer members to the appropriate agencies in the event of an outbreak. We will cooperate with contact tracing efforts and if necessary, suspend gatherings until further notice.

Children’s Ministry
At this point in time we are still considering how best to safely provide children’s Sunday School.  Until then, children must be seated and supervised by parents at all times.

We know this is a lot of information to process. Church is going to be different for a while.  Let us embrace the change and make the best of it.  Remember God’s word from Romans 5:3-5 (NLT), “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.  And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.  And this hope will not lead to disappointment. 

Continue to be well and stay safe.  I look forward to seeing you in the sanctuary, beginning on July, 26th.

In His Service

Bishop Barrington Goldson

Sunday Service Reopening Guidelines
Questionnaire Reserve Seating