The purpose of the Teaching Ministry is to provide
Bible based doctrinal teaching that exposes every member
to knowledge that empowers them to be productive in the assembly
and develop the life skills necessary to impact, in a positive way,
their relationships in all aspects of their life.
The ministry creates a training environment that will provide requisite skills to build good character, strong leaders, and accomplished families. The Ministry focuses on Kids Church, Bible Quizzing, Series Teaching, Seminars and Touch5 Agenda.
Contact person:
Sis. Nekisha Laidlaw Contact
The Teaching Ministry touches the church and the world in 5 ways.
Kid’s Ministry
The Kid’s Ministry is designed for empowerment of children from ages 3 to 11, ensuring that they are engaged and stimulated by activities that communicate to them the word of God and the importance of good character and Christian conduct. These teachings will be comprehensively administered at their level of understanding so that they can clearly replicate and practice what they learn.
Team Leader – Sis. Nekisha Laidlaw
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Bible Quiz Ministry
The Bible Quiz Ministry is primarily designed to help young people ages 12 -17 develop a love for the word of God and apply it to their lives, through studying of the Bible to a very high level of proficiency. Help us continue to provide a fun way for kids and teenagers to study the Bible and hide the word of God in their hearts for a lifetime.
Team Leader – Sis. Perstephanie Joseph
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This area of ministry includes a Resource Team and Training Team that assess the needs of the assembly and strategically build and provide training modules in response to anticipated needs. It embraces the various focus groups of the assembly to provide the training and skills necessary to develop personal and organizational growth and expansion. This helps to build capacity and new efficiencies that will support the vision of Calvary Tabernacle Church and the progress of every individual member of the assembly.
Our empowerment seminars are held all year round and are open to the church and the community.
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Series Teaching
This area of the Teaching ministry focuses on the holistic development of the members so that they are prepared to be victorious in every area of life. Teaching includes doctrine and true discipleship, ethics and proper socialization, relationship skills and good vocational deportment, financial planning and good investment principles.This ministry focuses on a systematic study of God’s Word geared to empower the mind, body & soul.
Team Leader – Sis. Donna Douglas
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Touch 5 Evangelism Teaching
The Touch5 evangelism teaching module takes a strategically fresh look at the soul winning plan that helps others accept Christ. It focuses on:
- Prayer with Purpose
- Pursuit with God’s Love
- Persuasion with Truth
- Perfecting of the saints through Mentorship
- Promotion through Discipleship
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