
Bro. Sermo Barracks, Exodus Ministry Leader  Contact


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Our purpose is to spread the gospel to young people ages 12 -18 beginning in Nassau County, compelling them to come to Calvary the way to God.


Our vision is to disciple young people between the ages 12 – 18 to become like Jesus, our Lord, and to involve them in the work of the ministry where their talents, gifts and abilities can be used to advance the kingdom of God on earth.


We are an excited and motivated group of twelve to eighteen year old young people in Hempstead, New York. The name of our group is derived from the scriptural concept where the children of Israel left Egypt, and Pharaoh’s bondage, and traveled to the promise land.  In like manner, the vision of our leaders and the members of this group is to empower and to challenge the youth in our community to be creative, purposeful, and have an advantageous lifestyle. We believe change is ultimately obtained through education, experience, and exposure.

The group began with the young people of Calvary Tabernacle Church, but has been extended to the neighborhood youth in our communities. Over the years, the church has incorporated ideas and promotional activities to fund scholarships, leadership workshops, conventions, and empowerment seminars.
Youth Service is held alternatively every Friday night @ 8:00pm in-person and virtually on Zoom.
It includes Empowerment Sessions, Praise & Worship, Food, Games & Activities.

Join Exodus Youth Group!!
