We will fulfill the great commission of winning the lost
by using the Calvary Tabernacle influence to touch lives through promotions
and personal activities and contact people within a 20 mile radius
of the center of influence.
The function of the Evangelism Ministry is to build awareness among our members of the need to fulfill this mission by developing programs which will engage them in reaching the lost through the Touch 5 system.
Contact person:
Elder Dawn West, Ministry Leader Contact
The Evangelism Ministry touches the church and the world in 5 ways.
Using the Touch 5 system, an innovative state of the art approach to Evangelism, the Ministry activates the ABCs of Personal Soul winning to build members ability for engaging individuals and influencing them to ACCEPT Christ, BELONG to a local church and COMMIT to the cause of soul winning. Through periodic canvassing campaigns the ministry employs a win-win strategy through distribution of literature with an aim to saturate the community with church related material and promote church growth that encourages all to come to Calvary the way to God. The holistic approach of the Evangelism Ministry is designed to embrace the family at all levels so the Word of God is delivered in a manner people can receive regardless of their intellectual level.
The Evangelist
- Tell of the Good News
- Bring forth transformation
- Ministers to the soul
- Draws in the crowd with a heart that says, I’ll fight to see you in heaven
Team Leader – Jacqueline Domage
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Home Bible Study
Members of our community, who cannot always make it to the sanctuary, receive home study instruction upon request. This program takes Bible teaching to members of our community at times convenient to them, bringing a two-fold blessing into the home; God’s presence and secondly the seed of the word into the field for more harvest in its season. During the interaction people receive face to face instruction on doctrine and God’s plan of Salvation in their own comfortable environment while meeting them at the point of their need.
Home Bible Study Team
- Explores the Word and makes it clear
- Promotes fellowship and expands our spiritual mind.
Team Leader – Sis. Sandrea Oneil
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Campus Ministry
The ministry purpose is to bring the word of God to young people involved in the pursuit of higher education. The target areas are college campuses, universities and tertiary educational institutions in the community where focus is given to building a relationship between the church and student body in an effort to build their awareness and appreciation for the things of God. Literature and brochures are designed with the needs of this group in mind and also mailed to students away on other out of state campuses.
Campus Ministry Team
- Promotes spiritual development, personal development and character building
- Teaches one to value and understand their self-worth
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Outreach Ministry
At Calvary we believe that the Outreach Ministry should fulfill what Jesus mentioned in Matthew’s Gospel “whatsoever you do to the least of these you’ve done it unto me”. We visit strangers, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick in hospitals/homes and visit those imprisoned. We are like the hand of God touching those that are hurting and are less fortunate than us, bringing hope to the hopeless and sharing the joy of Jesus with the destitute. A physical demonstration of the kingdom of God to a hurting world.
Outreach Ministry Team
- Lays the foundation and makes connections with the community
- Impacts the community and lets them know we want to make a difference in their lives
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The Transportation Team
- Creates the path to ensure your arrival
- Timeliness and safety comes first
- They insist that no one is left behind
Team Leader – Bro. John Domage
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